Presenter guidelines for poster presentations
Poster Sessions Viewing Times
Poster presentations will be held at the end of each session, with designated viewings periods each day. Presenting authors, are encouraged to stay next to your poster during your poster session viewing times to engage with attendees and answer any questions.
Poster number
The number of each poster presentation will be given in the Final Programme.
Mounting & Removal Schedule
You are responsible for transporting your poster to the conference and setting it up, which generally occurs during onsite registration. There are no printing facilities onsite. Posters are affixed with adhesive putties (i.e. multi tack) and pushpins. You are encouraged to bring a small supply of these. Velcro may also be used. Additionally, you are responsible for removing your poster from the exhibit space in a timely manner. MAGS is not responsible for posters remaining in the exhibit space once the poster session closes.
Important Note: Posters remaining on the boards after the specified removal times will be removed by the conference staff.
More information on schedule will be announced in the due course.
Poster Specifications
Size and Orientation: It is important that your poster is printed at the correct size for your specific event. Oversize posters will not fit. Please ensure your poster is formatted in portrait orientation (vertical) and does not exceed ISOpaper A0 size (841 mm wide x 1189 mm high or 33.11 inches wide × 46.81 inches high).
Paper, colour profile and resolution: The colour profile should be CMYK. It is advisable to opt for a matte paper. Your resolution for high-quality printing posters and images should be no less than 300 dpi.
Mounting Supplies: You should bring your own mounting supplies.
Oral summaries of posters
Authors of poster papers should be prepared to provide ad hoc a summary of their poster presentation during the showcasing times and the corresponding oral session.